Business Math Using Calculators
by Sharon Burton (Author), Nelda Shelton (Author)
Sharon Burton is a professor in the Business Studies Division at Brookhaven College. Ms. Burton has more than 25 years of successful instructional experience in the community college environment. Ms. Burton earned her B.B.A. from Lamar University and her M.B.E. from University of North Texas.
Nelda Shelton received her B.S. and M.B.E. degrees from the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. She has taught full-time in the Business and Office Administration Departments of Tarrant County College, South Campus in Fort Worth, Texas. Ms. Shelton has co-authored several successful texts in areas of business and office administration.
Series: Mb - Business/Vocatinal Math Ser.
Paperback: 576 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 3rd edition (December 28, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0538713496
ISBN-13: 978-0538713498
Business Math/Calculator Book that Review Basic Skills and Apply them to Personal and Business Applications
Even with calculators and spreadsheets, there is still a need for basic math skills. When workers do not have the ability to perform the basic computations required in business, both the worker and the business suffer. There is a growing emphasis in education at alllevels to ensure that students learn the skills that are required in the workplace. The U.S. Department of LaborUs SCANS report was set up to help identify these skills.
Business Math Using Calculators provides the opportunity to review basic skills and apply them to personal and business applications.
By Deborah A. Mcleod
Rating: ★★★★★
One of the best business math/calculator books I've bought. Amazing how much you forget from school when you don't use it. This book will bring you up to speed! Seller was also exceptional, book was in great used condition. Would I buy from this seller again you bet I would!
By hothotflame
Rating: ★★★★
I really needed this book for class and I was ordering it last minute. The price was perfect and it arrived in just a couple of days. I was thrilled when I found it on the porch. It arrived in wonderful condition! I don't plan to write in this book because I plan to keep it for my husband to read after I'm done with it. I don't love the binding, but it's lighter than my other books so really, can not complain. I'm just trying to be careful as to not bend them. I love the odd numbered answered in the back. It's helped me out when I thought I understood something, but was making a mistake. Really comes in handy before you take offical tests.
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