Calculated Industries
Measure Master Pro 4020 Measurement Conversion Calculator
Converts to and from all dimensional formats instantly.
Get professional results every time with this handy and easy-to-use tool for projects involving measurements. Work in and convert between feet-inch-fractions, decimal feet-inch-fractions, yards, meters, centimeters and millimeters as well as areas and volumes.
- Get professional results every time with the handy, easy-to-use tool
- It's ideal for designers, craftsmen, tradespersons, fabricators, woodworkers
- Built-in functions make the Measure Master Pro ideal for faster, more accurate material estimates
- Work in and convert between any building dimensions, including metric
- Linear, area and volume measurements
- Find weight and weight per volume
- Instant solutions for circle area, circumference, arcs and more
Measure Master Pro Measurement Conversion Calculator is Designed for Designers, Woodworkers, Craftsmen, Technicians, etc.
Easy-to-use Measure Master Pro measurement conversion calculator from Calculated Industries are special designed for designers, woodworkers, craftsmen, technicians, etc. Calculates directly in feet, inches, fractions, yards, meters, centimeters, and millimeters, including square or cubic formats of each. Converts to and from all dimensional formats instantly. Instant solutions for circumference, circle area and arc lengths. 1 button solves postholes, columns, pillars, arches and much more. Weight per volume key allows you to find weight of material (i.e., tons per cubic yard, kilograms to pounds, etc.). Custom set fractions. Estimate material costs. Paperless tape allows you to review last 20 entries.
Quickly solve circumference, circle area, and arcs.
- Work in and convert between dimensions, including metric
- Linear, area and volume measurements; square-up and perimeter
- Find weight and weight per volume
- Instant solutions for circle area, circumference, arcs and more
- Board feet
- Solve unit cost and pricing
Powerful Measurement and Conversion Functions
Built-in functions make the Measure Master Pro ideal for faster, more accurate material estimates. Work in and convert between dimensional formats including feet-inch-fractions, decimal feet-inch-fractions, yards, meters, centimeters and millimeters as well as areas and volumes. You'll also be able to quickly find board feet for lumber estimates and solve for circumference, circle area, and arcs.
Other features include solving for cost per unit, a "paperless" tape that lets you review the previous 20 entries to double-check your totals, ability to store preferred fractional values and dimensions, and work with standard calculations.
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User Reviews
User: Norman H Dowlen of WoodWorks by Dowlen from Panhandle, Texas
User Rating: ★★★★
I use the calculator primarily for adding and subtracting inches and for figureing board feet. It saves me a lot of time.
User: Christopher, Engineer of Hubbell/USCO from Leeds, Alabama
User Rating: ★★★★★
I have never used a measurement conversion calculator like this before and it was so easy to operate. I really like it and would recommend anyone else interested in the brand to use it.
User: Richard Ron
User Rating: ★★★★★
This is a good product that does exactly what I expected.
But, it only came with a Spanish language User Guide, which is obviously a packaging error because everything else, including the box, is in English. When I registered the product with Calculated Industries I requested an English version, but I'm still waiting and it's been several months.
The "electronic paper tape" is useful for review of entries, but it would be much more useful if it allowed individual entries to be edited. Unfortunately, you have to re-enter the entire list if there is one error. I also have an HP 17BII business calculator (that died after 20 years) which keeps long summation lists in memory, and allows editing of individual entries, so I have become accustomed to that feature.
But except for these few issues, I'm pleased with this calculator.
User: E Dawdyon
User Rating: ★★★★★
This scored me major brownie points with my journeyman plumber hubby. He uses it quite frequently on the job and while completing projects at home. It was easy for him to use and understand, his only complaint was not having it sooner. Great gift for a handyman.
User: Randy, Sales Engineer of Pacor Inc from Gastonia, NC
User Rating: ★★★★★
I have been using the Measure Master Pro line of calcualtors since 1997. I deal with companies all over the world and converting from metric units is so easy with this calcualtor.
User: Carla Wilkins, Design Techinician of Spancrete Southeast from Newnan, GA
User Rating: ★★★★★
I've been using this calculator in my line of work for around 16 years now and can not imagine life without it. It's very durable and I always buy in 2's because I usually end up giving one away to a friend or co-worker when they find out I have such a useful tool in my design arsenal. Started work with a company in Jan 2016 that furnished one for all the designers in the department! Great minds thinking alike!