Canon F710 Dual Line Scientific Calculator


Canon Scientific Calculator F710

The Canon F-710 handles a total of 139 functions and is designed with a large, high-contrast LCD that makes calculations easy and comfortable. This convenient calculator includes Mathematics, Trigonometry, and Statistics, and also provides 38 built-in formulas. The Canon scientific calculator F710 additionally provides a removable hard cover case which protects your calculator against damage when you are on the move.

  • 2-line, 10+2-digit, LCD screen
  • 38 built-in formulas
  • 139 scientific and math functions
  • Ideal for Algebra I and II, chemistry, geometry, physics, statistics and trigonometry
  • Functions include Chain multiplication/division, constant multiplication/division/percentage calculations, exponential and more.
  • Features drag mode Calculation, trigonometric Calculation, coordination conversion and permutations
  • Also offers logarithmic, standard deviation of population, standard deviation of sample and more

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Canon Scientific Calculator F710 Makes Calculations Easy and Comfortabl

Canon's new generation F-710 scientific calculator offers the smart solution to all your study or work projects. A stylish, slim line design makes it easy to hold and simple to operate in all surroundings. See both the problem and answer at a glance, thanks to a convenient two-line display that shows entries on the top line and results on the bottom line. The large LCD enhances legibility and offers contrast adjustment for clear viewing whether in dim or bright light conditions. With anattractive silver metallic finish, the F-710 is not only highly functional but also fun to use.

Ready to perform a wide range of scientific and statistical calculations, the F-710 makes even the toughest problems seem simple. It features 38 built-in formulae, plus direct formula input. A practical Exchange Display Memory has been added to Sum to/Store to and Recall memories. Canon Scientific Calculator F710 performs Comprehensive mathematical, trigonometric, and statistical functions perform virtually all required tasks--and scientific and engineering notations functions are also available. Advancements include Constant Calculation and Repeated Data Input keys. The end result is a practical scientific calculator that is powerful enough to meet your needs, without being over complex--making it ideal for numerous applications.

User Reviews

User: Jason Perkins
User Rating: ★★★★
It's a calculators...not much to say about this. I am an engineer and need a replacement quickly. Picked this up and find its uses very helpful.


User: Tatyana Hodges
User Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect scientific calculator for about any math course up to Algebra 2. Sometimes math courses ban the use of graphic calculators on test, and this calculator is an excellent replacement. It has a cover that can clip on the front or the back when in use. This calculator also comes with a manual and a littlw guide as well. Light weight and fairly average size, yet clear screen. Buttons are a decent size, not too large nor too small.


User: Jeffery S. Herman
User Rating: ★★★★
Great job for the price. Not for something you use every day, but a great backup calculator for occasional use. The buttons don't have the solid feel of a $200 dollar calculator, but this one is fine for casual use. In the price range, this one can't be beat.