Introduction to the HP-12C Calculator

Introduction to the HP-12C Calculator

by Timothy Detty (Author)

Paperback: 72 pages
Publisher: Hondros Learning, LLC (May 12, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1598441280
ISBN-13: 978-1598441284
Package Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.3 x 0.3 inches

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Explore the basic functions of one of the most essential tools for real estate and appraisal professionals the Hewlett-Packard HP 12c calculator

Regarded as the state of the art in the industry, the HP 12c is easy to use with minimal training. With this text, you will learn about the different functions available including the essential time value of money calculations as well as cash flow calculations. You will be exposed to numerous examples and situations that relate to actual calculations you may need to perform in the course of your career.


By Roysnfrncsc
Rating: ★★★★
Calculator Instructions for Reasonable People. The conversational style of writing makes for easy learning.


By California reader
Rating: ★★★★★
Great resource for R/E Appraisers, CFP, CFA exam candidates. I have several books on the HP12C and IMO this is the clearest and simplest introductory book on the subject. It is applicable to the HP12C and Victor V12 calculators. Although not an encyclopedic treatment, it covers all the basics for the HP12C. It is intended for National Uniform Real Estate Appraiser exam candidates but it would also be useful for candidates for the CFP and CFA exams. I personally used it as a supplement in a UCLA extension course in personal financial planning and found it extremely helpful. Highly recommended for anyone who needs to learn the basics of the HP12C calculator quickly.

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