Science and Engineering Mathematics with the HP 49 G - Volume II - Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics
by Gilbert Urroz (Author)
Gilberto E. Urroz is an Associate Professor of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering and a researcher at the Utah Water Research Laboratory, both at Utah State University, in Logan, Utah and is an expert on the HP 48 G and HP 49 G series calculator, and on specialized mathematical software such as Maple and SCILAB. He has written several books on applications of these computing devices and software to disciplines such as engineering mechanics, hydraulics, and science and engineering mathematics.
Paperback: 374 pages
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (January 1, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1588980448
ISBN-13: 978-1588980441
Until now, there was no real good documentation for the HP49G, only owners of a HP48 series calculator and it's documentation, and various literature about it, were able to make use of the HP49G's extended features. This book fills the gap in documentation.
Virtually all useful commands and functions are enlighted, and all comes with lots of real-life examples, mainly from Engineering Sciences. You will learn to know your HP49G much better, and as a side effect, you will practice a lot engineering skills. In short, a must-have for every serious HP49G owner!
By Les Kraut
Rating: ★★★★★
This is a very prolific well written book. Examples and complete information available and well referenced.
not only a guide to the use of the calculator but is a great addition to helping grasp Calculus.
By B. Heimbigner
Rating: ★★★★★
One of the reviewers above gave a pretty negative review citing that this material was covered elsewhere in the hp user manuals and on hp's own site. That may be true. What the other reviewer failed to mention was the fact that HP includes a very stripped down version of the 800+ page actual manual and this book, and it's sister volume, are a godsend. The calculator is easy enough for most utility, but these manuals quickly help you get down to doing your required operations much more easily. I can't recommend these books enough, as I've found them extremely helpful in the TI dominated environment of my College. I've got the HP-50g btw, thought I should mention that, as these manuals instructions cover this calc well enough.
By Jason Taverner
Rating: ★★★★★
This book has helped me out a lot through Calculus and DE courses. Detailed examples and everything you'd expect a good manual to have. It should be noted that HP has released an updated complete manual available only for download (800+ pages) that is a lot better than the original. In light of that, this book is not a nessesity but it's still nice to have for science applications.
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